Ten of the best Barry Pepper movies
i found a podcast recently that mentioned barry pepper in saving private ryan so i emailed them a few more details and they recorded it. i am not happy because they were not very kind and didnt focus on the outstanding acting that barry is capable of, but it was good that they read out my request.
The films are:
25th Hour
we were soldiers
saving private rian
dale earnheart
green mile
enemy of the state
knockaround guys
battlefield earth

tonight i have been talking through my problems and got a few things off my chest and made some progress. i have disided that tommorow i am going to spend all day smiling. that will make people feel happy around me and therefore not be nasty.
i had a nice email from another podcaster asking me to me on their show, this is a man from britian. it would be nice to meet another podcaster to talk about things. my dialup has been playing up and crashing since the weekend, only just got it fixed tonight, meaning that i have a stack of podcasts to download since last week!!!! my ipodder is going to be very busy tonight!!!! thats the good thing about podcasting is that you can catch up on things, unlike missing shows on the tv and radio. tv was rubbish anyway, i watched the crying game for the first time on sunday and felt dirty.
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