my second video now up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! last week i composed a poem for the slam idol poetry competition and desided to ask madge weinstein from to perform this on her video cameras. you have to click this link then wait where it will appear but is very slow if you are not at work or the library. it contains words and gestures.
when it apears on slam idol please please please please vote for me and madge!!!!!!!! i have included the transcript of the poem i sent in the email to be performed should anyone need it. thankyou to madge for recording.
I reguallly sit near a girl on my bus ride to work who is in her early thirties, has long red hair with matching face and has let herself go over the years. Often I wonder what it is like to be her and have decided to compose my thoughts into a poem for you. It is a poinient verse about a unnammed lady in crisis struggling with achiving outer buetey and inner peace and wrestling with a past love. Its called 'No More Flan for Fatty'.if you could do it to the tune of the argos commercial that would be nice, if not then dont woorry.
Number 38 bus
Size 38 booty
Go on, look at me and stare
Running down the street for my ride
I knew of love once
In my childhood days
Prepubencent memorys
Before Barry and his tuck shop

Panting and groaning
I waddle on board the bus
my layers of ankles
dripping with sweat and milk
Loves young dream, we passed notes in class
there wasn't a pubic convenience that could contain our passion
The eyes of love do not recognise bronchial disorders
We just be Sippin on gin n grease

As the driver demands the tarriff
I fumble in my leather purse
My large cumbersome fingers
Groping for money otherwise spent on food
I never used to be like this
My 18th birthday I caught him feeding
feeding with another, much larger than I
Making me more determed to be someone bigger, larger, better and chubbier
I clumsely waddle down the isle
My beady eyes scan the mass transit for a place to sit
Before the bus increases its velocity (winks slowly)
I need to park this blomondge of an ass pronto

Saw Barry just last week
Boy, that hairy grease bitch still looks good. (inserts middle+ring finger into mouth sideways to camera X 4)
Jelously as I observe he's with a new girl
This time shes a skinny
Diet from now on, wash away those bed sores
Cleaning up my act for barrys new tastes
say goodbye to them roaches in my crotch
There aint no more flan for fatty
hoe hoe hoe
green giant