i believe i may be getting ripped off. My nearest river is about 3 miles away. i live in a country that pisses it down with rain for 9 months of the year, my kitchen spent 2 weeks flooded over chritsmas and i#'ve just got a bill from Thames Water for £47 per month. in etheopia they live in the middle of the dessert with the nearest river some 2000 miles away, it never rains, yet according to the advert it only costs £1 per month direct debit to provide water for their entire village. i think Thames water should find out where etheopia are buying all their pipes from so cheeply so we can enjoy the same savings over here. it makes me angery when i see other countrys who can buy things a lot cheaper than where i live . most of them are all richer than they let on and whenever i see so called 'starving africans' on tv seem to be able to afford haircuts and watch billy connely perform commedy in their huts. its probably because they only pay £1 a month for water unlike me. i cant remember the last time i had a haircut and billy connelly charged over £100 on his last tour. he needs a haircut, i wonder if the two things are connected?