Friday, July 29, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Podcasting talent is really Shining through
All American radio and no thought provoking shows make podcasting a dull medium. All American radio and no thought provoking shows make podcasting a dull medium. All American radio and no thought provoking shows make podcasting a dull medium. ALL American radio and no thought provoking shows make podcasting a duuuuulllllll medium. All American radio and no thought provoking shows make Podcasting a dull medium. All American radio ad no thought provoking shows make podcastng a dull medium. All American radio and no thought provoking shows make podcasting a dull medium. All American rAadio and no thought provoking shows make podcasting a dull medium. All America radio aand no fought proving shows make podcasting a dull medium. All American radio and no thought provoking shows make podcasting a dull medium. All American RADIO and no thought provoooking shows make podcasting a dull medium. All American radio ad no thought provokingshows make podcasting a dull medium. All American radio and no thought Provoking shows make podcasting a dull medium.
All American radio and no thought provoking shows make podcasting a dull medium. All American radio andd no thought provoking shows make podcasting a dull medium. All American radio and no thought provoking Shows make podcasting a dull medium. All American radio and no thought provoking shows make podcasting a dull medium. All American radio and no thought provoking shows make podcasting a dull medium. All American radio and no thought provoking shows make podcasting a dullmedium. All American radio and no thought provoking shows make podcasting a dull medium.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Hilary Clinton needs to ban Microsoft
I cant believe that Hilary Clinton is complaining about Grand Theft Auto containing mucky pictures when you download something off the internet - shurely there are bigger fish to fry? Last night I was able to cut and paste a grotty photo off the web into Microsoft Word. When is Hilary going to ban this offensive word processing package? I was also able to draw a large purple wanger with balls using nothing more than the rudementary flowchart facility - if i can do this without any verification then surely a child of 3 would be able to without parents supervision?

If this is meant to be bad why dont they ban baywatch too, along with 2/3rds of the adverts on tv? I dont understand.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
why doesnt some invent...
...a mobile phone with a built in electric shaver? it would be useful for men. but it would be good to ring up some ladies while they were in mid-mow.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Podcast - Experiment
I tried an interesting experiement today going past a noisey pub in town. i thought i would find out if anyone would come and arrest me if i used copy-writed music in todays podcast or if it would be ok.
i think my audio quality is so bad that they probably wont bother, but if anyone with some proper microphones would like to try the same experiment and see if you would get into the same trouble that would be good. or not when you think about it.

i heard that the podcaster called is a lawyer. i wonder what he would make of all of these legal matters? i hope he's not a music layer. those people must be rolling in it. i dont know how music lawyers sleep at night. apart from on a mattress stuffed with innocent servillians money. laughing to themselves and twisting their mostashes in their sleep no doubt.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005
google maps the moon!
its amazing, google have now done a map of the moon at ....
its very funny when you zoom right into its closest setting. looking at all the places where the spacemen land it seems really silly that they dont try lots of other places instead of just all landing in the same area. its like NASA are like a boring family that go to the same hotel in spain every year rather than try somewhere new. you never know, they might find some anebas and things. thats my advice. get out more and see things.
its a shame that i still cant see a close up of guildford without everything smudging. i want it so that you can see people close up but i think technology isnt that good yet. it would herald a new era in mucky photos where magazines would be filled with satallite images looking down the tops of prettygirls. but we have bridges and windows in high rise buildings for that.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Podcast - iTunes
If you are new to podcasting and are listening to this using the apple itunes software then i have recorded this show especially for you. i thought you might be interested in what shows i recommend depending on what you are into.

The bits i've mentioned are...
- Mr Adam Curry on the Daily Source Code
- Tim on Radio Clash
- Space Music
- Feast of Fools with Faultso
- qPodder
- Britcaster with Neal
- Madge Weinstein on Yeast Radio
Enjoy itunes while it lasts becuase to someone like me itunes looks like this - a welcome screen asking to choose between 79pence to listen to 1 song or loads of free music and entertainment from podcasts. i think that apple might change their mind soon becuase the music industry will ask them to take it all off.

In Loving Memory
The Radio and The Music Industry
1642 - 2004
Monday, July 18, 2005
Podcast - Harry Potter
it took me half an hour at the newsagents today at lunch to buy a newspaper because i had to stand in a queue behind loads of screaming children dressed up as wizards. what was the cause of this delay? it appears the latest merchandising book about harry potter is out. here is my short recording about such things....

Have I seen this wizard? If he was in WH Smiths today he was probably infront of me.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Podcast - Guildford music festival
£75 for going to watch some bands promote their albums? I didn't go. met a nice girl at a discotechque last night and wanted to meet me this afternoon for lunch. she turned up for 15 minutes, didnt order any food, told me she couldnt even be friends with someone like me and left. i think natural light is my enemy. she wasnt drunk today like she was last night and that upset me. i'm so lonley at the moment. i just feel like every girl i like dosnt want to know me after they see me in the daylight. maybe i'm ok to look at in dark discotechques but when girls see me in daylight they think i;m ugly.

so instead I thought i'd be positive and i'd record this to tell everyone about the local event this weekend.

i;m so glad i didnt pay money to go
Friday, July 15, 2005
pick and mix podcasting
I have got itunes on my computer now. it upset me at first becuase all the shows on it have abbreviations, numbers and couples in them like The Best of KRWA 103.2 Mick and Rick. but its good on my computer because i use itunes to listen to music faded in the background to my taste and have windows media player on louder to listen to talk podcasts (as long as they don't play music). That way you can listen to 2 podcasts at ones. in windows media player you can press the fast forward button and still understand things. it would be good if you could subscribe to a show and tell it what type of background music you want. maybe you could have different choises of background music for each show? pubs that play music only attract a certain type of person, but pubs who dont play music attract more poeple. why not the same with podcasts?
Monday, July 11, 2005
what is todds problem?
i am very confused today. i listen to todd the geek on geek news central. he talks about computers, a lot of it i dont understand. but he doesnt swear which is nice. but he did say today that microsoft are buying a company called gator. now todd the geek got very upset at this news because gator make that spywear which is special software that pops up porn for you automatically in windows without you needing to do look it up or take off your trousers. what i cant understand is why todd would be upset. if microsoft spend loads of money trying to remove spywear it would be a better just to pay the people who make spywear and sack them all?
so many questions in my head. i'd also like to ask todd the geek why my subscribers have gone in half as he knows about podcasting and has written books about it. is it because itunes doenst work with feed burner? i dont get it.

Todd the geek from geek news central
Thursday, July 07, 2005
God, what have they done?
All eyes are on the uk at the moment. i've been glued to the news tonight with disbelief. how can anyone do something like this to innocent poeple? everyday people. ordinary people just going to work.
i dont know what to say, sometimes less is more.
i dont know what to say, sometimes less is more.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Podcast - Olympics
Hi there everyone who like me doing podcasts. I felt very passionate today when i found out that a load of drug addicts are now costing me an extra £20 per year to mess up london so I thought i would record a podcast.

its inexcusable that i havent podcasted for so long, what with big brother and stupid computers going wrong. i dont know. but who does these days? will someone explain it to me. and why do girls who say i am sweet not want to make love to me? I hate being so hairy in this weather.
How we will waste 10 billion pounds on the olimpics...

The Athelete village

Londons Running Track

The Olympic swimming pool
summary - england is rubbish
Why didnt anyone tell the comitee that england is useless at doing this? We couldnt build the millenium dome in time for the millenium. And we knew that was coming for thousands of years. But 7 years notice, thats plenty of time to go over budget and mess up big time.
Monday, July 04, 2005
castblaster, radio clash, shattered hopes and mariah
Wow, downloaded castblaster earlier on and am playing around with it - i might have to seriously think about getting a microphone so i can talk. i can plug in my headphones into the microphone socket round the back of my computer and talk through that, it comes out a bit muffelled though. but everyone who i have skyped so far doesnt mind. it seems like some very clever software, hardly any need for me to speak with all those sound effects and music. its good that there is a limit of ten minutes because it encourages people to keep their shows short. thats good because i prefer lots of little shows frequently, rather than some long ones that i cant download becuase of my modem.

Mic required
why cant i get round to podcasting? i feel so dwarfed by all the big guns now on the itunes, why would people want to download personal blogs like mine when they can get all the proper news organisations and radio shows. mind you the radio station discjockies have to play music that they are told to, rather than things they like. i am not sure that they are being true to themselves. that is why i like some of the music podcasts. i got a special email today from Tim from Radio Clash ( - excelant show!!!) which he helped me out finding a tune I was after - i feel honored . I've emailed people at BBC Radio One before but they have never replyed or just fobbed my off. They still insist on using Real Player which keeps crashing my computer at home and keeps saying 'buffering'. thats why i like podcasts, because they dont say 'buffering' and stutter. whenever i listen to music on real player it sounds like a fatboy slim record, but podcasts just come out nice.

Tim from Radio Clash - The savior of music podcasts
i must podcast more. i must podcast more. i must pocast more. this is annoying. why cant i feel motivated to podcast? what motivates other podcasters? i was under the impression the sound of my voice would get some prettygirls creaming in their silks and want to meet up and be my girlfriend. not so much as a wiff of jack & danny. but i dont think i will ever find someone who loves me for being me. i was seriously given the brush off today by a nice girl i liked who has been leading me on for a week now. i just feel numb. how can i podcast when i feel so depressed?
Wow. just found my guest channel for this month is FHM. 'Bas Ass Late List' seems to be an interesting show. music videos certainly seem to have changed since the last time i saw them. ppoppin by ladacris is a far cry from Bohemiam rapsady. i need to be more 'Laddish', those sort of guys always get the girls. Wow, now miriah cariah is on. She just seems to be squeeling at useual but she sure is my ideal women - she seems a little messed up and not quite with it. perfect. if she sqeeled a little higher i wouldnt be able to hear he at all, then she could just knock around the house in her bakini making me smile.

Marry me