Goodbye dutchess
i'm so sad. its nearly time for my pet pig the Dutchess of Pork to go to her new home. her new owner is coming over in a couple of hours to take her to his house, then i'll be lonely again. i cant stop crying.

goodbye my sweet princess
you may be a swine on the outside
but you are royalty on the inside
i saved you from becoming a sausage
providing you with a palace
i gave you my bed when it was cold
and never let you go without
i will miss those endless summer days
and the endless winter nights
as a piglet you would suckle in my arms
the precious nurishing fluids
memories will never fade
happy times imprinted in my mind bosom
cherishing forever that christmas day
the best christmas of my life
how i laughed when you wore the paper hat
your joy of slipping in the excrement
but those days will be no more
for you are off to pastures new
still i would love to roll with you
trotter in hand
unstrapping your harness
leaving you to wander the garden
the laughter, the smiles, the hugs
goodbye my soul mate sow